Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Awesomeness that is Laughter

The semester has been difficult and I have been feeling morose. So much so that I have really been thinking about myself and my life in very critical ways. Asking myself questions like, "What character flaws do I have that make me feel this way?" and "Is this really what I want to do with my life?", etc. etc. etc.

I still don't have the answers. However, I do know that there are ways to cheer up no matter how depressed you are feeling. (Unless you are feeling suicidal, at which point you should call a local or regional helpline if you don't feel comfortable calling a friend.)

How to cheer up: LAUGH

Laughter is contagious. If enough people around you are chortling, guffawing, and absolutely howling, you can't help but do it, too. Here is proof, and I would like to commend the first laugh-er for getting it started.

Laughter triggers various positive physiological responses (as paraphrased from
-The release of endorphins (and as Elle Woods from Legally Blonde says, "Endorphins make people happy. Happy people just don't shoot their husbands.")
-Relaxation: laughter relieves physical tension, leaving your muscles relaxed for up to ~45 minutes afterwards
-Boosts the immune system: laughter reduces stress-induced hormones and increases antibodies

Laughter can help prevent cardiovascular disease by improving the function of blood vessels, thus improving blood flow to your heart.

A simple smile should also not be underestimated. Not only are we naturally attracted to people who smile, but when we smile, it naturally makes us feel good. Why else do people watch really cute videos of baby animals?

If you're ever feeling down, just watch something funny. Find humor in as much of life as possible. I like to watch America's Funniest Home Videos. There is a channel on YouTube here that I subscribe to in order to get a dose of laughter several times a week. Being able to laugh at events that are caught on home video has made it easier for me to laugh at myself, rather than be embarrassed, when I do stupid things. I am not claiming perpetual happiness, but I do know that life goes on, and that somewhere in the world, somebody is giggling.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Trite Technology Troubles

Hey everyone, a quick break from enlightening (ha) posts to pose a request - if you follow me, could you please let me know in a comment or message so I can follow you back? My followers widget (or gadget or whatever it's called) doesn't load, and I can't view my followers in my dashboard either (it just says I have them). Does anyone know how to fix this? Thanks if you do : )

Other than that, I HAVE A DIGIMON. 

Well, my boyfriend had two, he "gave" me one, and we are raising them together to do battle. I had never had a Digimon before, but I did have a Tamagotchi when I was younger.

I really should be finishing up a final project due tomorrow, but my brain went into Winter Break Mode last week and still thinks the semester is over (even though it isn't until my last final on the 13th). I just feel like I can't, even though I must (therefore, somehow, it will).

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Scatter-brained Christmas Post

Hey friends! For whatever reason, I have been officially bitten by the Christmas-excitement bug, although I don't particularly care about the holiday itself. First of all, for believers in God, I'm not sure how they figured out (or decided) that Jesus was born on December 25. Or the night of the 24th, or whatever the exact date is. Now I have to do some research, I guess. For non-or-un-believers, gifts are nice, but the way humanity seems to become a little kinder (minus ridiculous shopping frenzies) around this time of year is even better. And decorations, and all the candy and baked goods that are the impetus for so many New Years' Resolutions and trips to the gym in the first week of January.

To my chagrin, having moved to Georgia this year means that I probably won't be seeing snow around these parts. However, I will be visiting my parents in Pennsylvania, and hopefully there will be snow, or at least cold temperatures.


Here is a link where you can get some free Christmas mp3s to start getting in the spirit of things:

Happy holidays!

P.S. I think I belong here: