Saturday, November 26, 2011

My first half-marathon

Today I achieved a goal on my bucket list: I ran a half-marathon.

For the majority of the fall semester I have trained on a fairly regular basis so I could be fit to run this race. I ran four or five times a week with one long run a week to build up to this distance. Rumors circulate that your longest run for the race only needs to be 9 miles. This is a lie.

Without my ipod, I wouldn't have made it through miles 11 and 12. But thanks to some angry rap music, I finished! And as a bonus, I was first in my age group (Female 20-24)! Technically, I was second, but the girl who won my age group won an award in the overall category for being ridiculously fast. If I could have kept up my first half pace (I ran the first 6.5 miles in 45 minutes...not intentionally and definitely not the wisest maneuver) I would have given her a run for her money. However, I am still a penguin aspiring to be a jackrabbit.

I've never been a "good runner". I have always enjoyed it, but I have never been particularly fast. I will never be a Deena Kastor or Paula Radcliffe. However, completing this race has given me a sense of empowerment. I am learning, day by day, that I CAN achieve high levels of fitness. This makes me happy. I CAN one day be a lean, mean, strong, healthy, fit girl, which means that anyone can. Nobody is doomed to a life of 'unhealth' or obesity or unsuccessful dieting. Even better, nobody is doomed to a life of disordered eating in order to "look good". These goals are possible to achieve while being healthy and happy, SIMULTANEOUSLY.

Holy mackerel.

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