Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Awesomeness that is Laughter

The semester has been difficult and I have been feeling morose. So much so that I have really been thinking about myself and my life in very critical ways. Asking myself questions like, "What character flaws do I have that make me feel this way?" and "Is this really what I want to do with my life?", etc. etc. etc.

I still don't have the answers. However, I do know that there are ways to cheer up no matter how depressed you are feeling. (Unless you are feeling suicidal, at which point you should call a local or regional helpline if you don't feel comfortable calling a friend.)

How to cheer up: LAUGH

Laughter is contagious. If enough people around you are chortling, guffawing, and absolutely howling, you can't help but do it, too. Here is proof, and I would like to commend the first laugh-er for getting it started.

Laughter triggers various positive physiological responses (as paraphrased from
-The release of endorphins (and as Elle Woods from Legally Blonde says, "Endorphins make people happy. Happy people just don't shoot their husbands.")
-Relaxation: laughter relieves physical tension, leaving your muscles relaxed for up to ~45 minutes afterwards
-Boosts the immune system: laughter reduces stress-induced hormones and increases antibodies

Laughter can help prevent cardiovascular disease by improving the function of blood vessels, thus improving blood flow to your heart.

A simple smile should also not be underestimated. Not only are we naturally attracted to people who smile, but when we smile, it naturally makes us feel good. Why else do people watch really cute videos of baby animals?

If you're ever feeling down, just watch something funny. Find humor in as much of life as possible. I like to watch America's Funniest Home Videos. There is a channel on YouTube here that I subscribe to in order to get a dose of laughter several times a week. Being able to laugh at events that are caught on home video has made it easier for me to laugh at myself, rather than be embarrassed, when I do stupid things. I am not claiming perpetual happiness, but I do know that life goes on, and that somewhere in the world, somebody is giggling.


  1. I'm glad, thanks :) great idea, i'll answer you as well as i'm able to :) regards

  2. this is so true! i hope you find your answers! but have a laugh in the meantime. don't take life too seriously

  3. I agree with you! laughter really is the best medicine sometimes. Whenever I need a good pick me up there are a handful of movies I know I can pick from that will send me laughing and I feel better afterwards.

    I hope that you are able to find answers soon, and that this new year will bring that. sometimes, it's hard to know what we want, what we should do, what we are meant to do, but they WILL come - i know they will. Just keep doing your best and put one foot in front of the other and things will fall into place <3

  4. Thanks for the pick-me-up. I find exercise is great for the blues too. Hang in there. We all feel down from time-to-time. Know that you're not alone.

    I wanted to respond to your question about swimming endurance on my blog earlier. (Sorry for the delay in responding). If you're already a runner, your cardiovascular base is strong. You need to get comfortable in the water and with your swimming technique. If you are trying to inhale and exhale when your mouth comes out of the water, you may not have enough time and are left gasping for air. Make sure you're exhaling under the water and then inhaling when your mouth comes up. A swim instructor is invalubale for perfecting for your form. Also, check out "Total Immersion."

    Hope this helps!

  5. Hi Miriam,

    I'm sorry I haven't commented here yet. I actually read most of your entries only now and really liked how your writing bursts with positive energy :-)

    How have you been? Has your semester already started? Any racing plans for this year?

    Hope you are well! xxx

  6. I need a good laugh now. Thanks for this great post.
